Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Artwork makes me feel comfortable – even outside my comfort zone!

My entire life I have had a passion for arts and crafts. 
I have been fortunate enough to develop my artwork over many years with many handmade products delivered in Scandinavia and the US.
Four years ago, when I was given the chance to have my own gallery in fantastic surroundings in the Old Town of Fredrikstad, Norway, I took a giant step outside my comfort zone. I opened myself up to an audience and all the paintings I made were like my babies.
I originally started painting to create a space for myself, but I discovered that a lot of people liked my art and my style. 

That is why I have during the last 6 months worked hard to find partners I can trust in order to take the next giant step for me.
So very soon I will make my art available outside Norway and I would like to thank you very much for giving me your support over many years. 
Trust me – I would never have been able to do this without all the positive feedback I have received from you. 

Thank you for making me comfortable – even way outside my comfort zone. 

MetteHummelArt is soon to bee-come a butterfly!

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