Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Batik Butterflies

Painting of the day.

Golden fluid:
Titanium White
Titan Buff
Permanent Violet Dark
Manganese Blue Hue
Anthraquinone Blue
Iridescent Silver (fine)

Liquitex Ink:
Titanium White
Deep Violet
Turquoise Deep

Prussian Blue Hue
Violet Permanent

Pilot pen
White Sharpie

Watercolor paper 300 g/m2 , 35 x 50 cm or 14"x 20"


  1. Hello! I cannot believe you have no comments... you work is absolutely FAUBLOUS. I am touched. I have pinned a few of your canvas on my pinterest with your reference. I love what you do very much. I will come visit again, you are truly inspiring.
    cheers & Hugs from MOntreal. :)

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog Danielle. I really appreciate your sweet comment. Thank you also for your reference on pinterest. I just visited your blog...wow! You make beautiful cards!

  2. OMG, when I saw this on the FB group, I immediately had to find your blog! LOVE this.

  3. Absolutely beautiful! I wish I had your talent!
