Saturday, September 22, 2012

Art Journaling.

One of my absolute favorite things to do is experimenting in my Art Journal.
It´s a fun way to play with color and layout. I like to have a couple of different sizes of journals to choose from. Sometimes you have a lot on your mind and need the space to create, or you just want to test out a new color combination and don´t need a big page.
I really like Moleskine Journals. I prefer the Watercolor or Sketchbook. They have nice thick paper that goes well with paint and other mixed media.
I "Gesso" (primer) my pages before starting and I always make sure that I have a couple of pages prepared ready to go.

Here I tried out an orange-green combination. Orange and red are new colors for me.
I have usually worked with blue-green and earth colors.
I used green to contrast and compliment the redness.

The girl in the picture is me , age 2. I like to think of this work as how I feel when I´m Art Journaling: Happy and Smiling.

I need to challenge myself with colors, because fun things do happen when you are experimenting!


  1. Hey Mette, big like on your Blog. Love your artwork, like the use of your colors and specialy the Amnesty poster. We are as far as I know the only two ifrån Norden taking Kellys Flying Lesson, I think she is great, doing such a great class for us. I love Norway, lived in Kristiansand long time ago but Im from Iceland. Have a beautiful day :-)

    1. Hi, so glad to have a fellow flyer from Iceland. I love you artwork and your blog. Congratulation of becoming a grandmother:)) she looks adorable!

  2. I really like the orange and red combination. Such great work. Really.
