Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Today's painting is all about love.
Love of butterflies and colors.
I've used some of my favorite reds and yellows.
These colors always make me smile and fill my heart with joy.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Golden Fluid Acrylics:
Pyrrole Red
Quinacridone Magenta
Quinacridone Crimson
Indian Yellow Hue
Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold
Titan Buff
Titanium White
Carbon Black

Liquitex Ink:
Quinacridone Magenta
Titanium White
Carbon Black

Liquitex Spray paint:
Titanium White

White Sharpie
Pilot pen
Charcoal stick

Painted on water-colour paper and framed in a black wooden frame 40x40 cm.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Creativity in full bloom

2014 has kicked off with so much creativity.
I've started a lot of paintings. So far I've finished seven of them and a commission.

These two got their finishing details last night!

Painted on watercolor paper and framed in a silver frame 40x50 cm.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Graffiti Butterflies

I love the rustic look of old brick walls combined with butterflies.

Painted on watercolor paper and framed in a silver frame 40x50 cm.

Golden Fluid Acrylics:
Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold
Titan Buff
Titanium White
Carbon Black
Iridescent Copper Light (Fine)

Studio Lascaux:
Neutral Grey Middle

Liquitex Ink:
Carbon Black
Titanium White
Iridescent Rich Bronze

Liquitex Spray Paint:
Titanium White
Carbon Black

Pure & Original ( Classico- Chalk Paint):
Cloudy Concrete
Potato Skin

TCW191S. Stencil

Charcoal stick

Saturday, February 1, 2014

New Commission

I finished a commission this week. These small twin paintings are bright and cheerful. They are painted on watercolor paper and framed in silver frame 30x40 cm.

Golden Fluid Acrylics:
Quinacridone Crimson
Pyrrole Red
Transparent Pyrrole Orange
Indian Yellow Hue
Titanium White
Carbon Black

Liquitex Ink:
Titanium White
Carbon Black

White sharpie
pilot pen